Thursday, April 7, 2011

Watch Know

Watch Know is a collection of thousands of educational videos that are divided into categories such as history, math, language arts, holidays, etc, or you can search for them through the search box. While many videos are hosted by YouTube, there are thousands of videos available through that come from other sources such as Teacher Tube.  There is a "classroom accessible" button that allows you to search for non YouTube videos.


  1. allison robertson
    Very well organized! I like the age slider to help sort the resources. I have already used the professional development section for teachers and parents. Very helpful! Sometimes it is not that the resources aren't out there, but rather finding them when you need them. WatchKnow is a great way to sort quickly! So far they are very fun! I also like United Streaming(Discovery Learning) and appreciate all the great tech support BISD gives us. Kudos again!

  2. I have used some of the art, "how to" videos in class on clay. These mini-videos get right to the point. They will enhance what you are teaching. I have this on my tool bar to use daily. I like to watch these as well if I'm teaching a new technique.
