Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Edmodo - Social Networking

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Edmodo is a social networking site for teachers and students. Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for collaboration in the classroom. Make sure you read the terms of service for teachers and students before you get started.

This is a free tool and does work in real time. If you are looking for a social networking tool to engage students that has a similar feel to Twitter or Facebook, this may be the tool for you.
  • Use this tool to support a backchannel discussion during lecture.
  • Create an assignments and ask students to reflect
Support: Introduction Video


  1. This site is awesome! I just created my edmodo page and look forward to using it in the next six weeks. I am planning to have my students read Out of the Dust when we discuss the Great Depression/Dust Bowl in class. This site will be great for discussion questions and feedback.

    -Ashley Lopez

  2. allison robertson
    We make comments on videos, like a backchannel for students to explore ideas. Students have also posted links and projects for others to view and remark.
    I have used it to get a quick opinion poll, and then a short reply to a warm up prompt.
    I read that some schools use it as their communication tool.

  3. The site is amazing. I created the classes today in minutes, created an assignment and a poll, and had a student sign up and try it out. She really liked it. Said it was better than most of the stuff I make them try out.

    Then tonight I joined the community for social studies. The lesson plans and resources people share for free are awesome. I added them to my library on the site for future use.

    Mary Desern

  4. This is a great way for me to connect with my students in Social Skills. I plan to use this to discreetly discuss personal goals with them, without having to let the whole class know. I love edmodo.

    Jerilyn Cleere

  5. I've been using Edmodo since last school year, and it's the one web tool that the kids really love. I use the "wall" area for warm-ups, discussions, exit tickets as well as having students post their multimedia projects. Anything with an embed code can be displayed and I love that the kids can give peer to peer feedback by replying under the project. I've also embeded google doc forms to give quizzes and pre-assessments. Can't say enough good things about it!

    Kim Munoz

  6. Got mine going tonight. Looking forward to using it with the class. Has anyone tried this with 5 computers? How did it work?

  7. I am about to try Edmodo with my Grade 2's. I'm very excited about it.
