Friday, January 25, 2013

Edmodo in the Bryan ISD Classroom

You may be visiting this blog post as a result of the email announcement in BISD News. If you are reading this blog post and haven’t read the email, go find the email posted in BISD News on January 25th entitled Announcing Edmodo for Bryan ISD so you will know how to get started with

Be sure to read to the end of this post.  You will hear from Naveen Cunha and Ashley Lopez from SFA and Kim Munoz from Jane Long, as they share ideas/comments about the impact Edmodo is making in their classrooms. They are some of “Bryan ISD’s Best “ and have been using Edmodo for several years with their students.

What is edmodo?

Edmodo is a “free” social network designed for teacher/student interaction with an emphasis on quick communication, polling, assignment sharing, and more.  It is a powerful teaching tool modeled after social networks with a focus on communication and not merely distribution of information from the teacher. The best news is that Edmodo has promised to continue to offer their network for “free”.
As an educator -  you can dialogue with your students on a Facebook-like wall, share files, links, assignments, and grades as well as issue alerts and updates.  In addition you can survey your students, and map out your class syllabus on a public calendar.
 As a student - you can contact your teachers directly, message other students, interact in classroom discussions, and even access Edmodo from your mobile phone via their mobile-optimized page to check assignments and more.
As a parent - you can view direct messages between your child and his/her teacher(s), view your child’s grades, view a list of upcoming assignments, calendar notices and notifications.
Edmodo in the Bryan ISD Classroom
Naveen Cunha - Odyssey Science, iSupport - SFA :  My students can easily upload any kind of a document for an assignment. Edmodo notifies me when it was turned in.  I can also get individual, personal student feedback about an assignment.  Another use is collaboration with other classrooms.  I worked on a Rube Goldberg project with a middle school in Mystic, Connecticut.  We used the library to share the documents the students needed including the rubric, project description, and outline.  Each class was broken up into groups and connected with groups in the other class.  The students shared ideas, thoughts, suggestions, took and shared pictures of their designs all through edmodo. They Skyped a couple of times and in the end, shared videos of their project in action through the website. After being introduced to each other, the students were the ones to find ways to connect with each other through the website.
Ashley Lopez - Odyssey Texas History, iSupport - SFA:  "The greatest impact Edmodo has had in my classroom has been the ability to share resources with students.  I have been impressed with the number of students who when absent will still find the time to check the site for the missed work so they can catch up.  It has helped to cut down on the confusion of missed concepts as students are able to access classroom materials."
Kim Munoz - Technology Applications, iSupport - Jane Long:  " I use Edmodo for students to give peer to peer feedback to one another. When they create a visual project, I have them post it to their class Edmodo page and require each student to leave specific, positive comments. It’s kind of like a “digital” gallery walk and the students enjoy getting feedback from one another. Edmodo has also helped me to create a paperless environment in my classroom. All assignments can be given and turned into Edmodo. It has also allowed others to participate in class that may have never verbally participated before. Using the comment area, students speak out in many ways and I have learned their personalities in a way I would have never been able to before. I can’t imagine running my classroom without Edmodo."

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